Down Alapítvány ASSOCIATION Amerikai út 14., H-1145 - Budapest, Budapest, Hungary phone: +361 363 6353 - email: GENERAL INFORMATION Born in 1992 to support individuals with intellectual disability with the application a holistic approach. The goal of the activity of the Hungarian Down Foundation is to ensure that as many [...]
Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz
admin2021-02-25T15:39:58+00:00Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz ASSOCIATION Schulterblatt 36, 20357 - Hamburg, Germany phone: 0049 40 43 13 39 0 - email: GENERAL INFORMATIONThe Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz works with people with learning difficulties. The aim of the work is the inclusion in the general labour market. Therefor the job coaches, together with their [...]
European Down Syndrome Association
admin2020-07-09T17:52:36+00:00European Down Syndrome Association Square de Meeus 35, 1000 - Brussels, Belgium VALUEABLE INFORMATION Cora Halder