Project Description
Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz ASSOCIATION
Schulterblatt 36, 20357 – Hamburg, Germany
phone: 0049 40 43 13 39 0 – email:
GENERAL INFORMATIONThe Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz works with people with learning difficulties. The aim of the work is the inclusion in the general labour market. Therefor the job coaches, together with their clients, identify strengths and interests to find internships. The internships are accompanied whereas the presence of the job coaches declines over the duration. Having completed the internship the job coaches reflect the aims and results together with the clients. This way the clients get trained on the job and specify their idea of their aspired job. The job coaches work with different methods, all chosen individually for the client. This includes techniques of explaining and illustrating in a way that assists the clients to become more autonomous in the working field. The Hamburger Arbeitsassistenz (HAA) is working in the field of training on the job and supported employment since 1992. We have a lot of experience and about 100 job coaches working on the topic every day. We cooperate with more than 800 companies in Hamburg, thereunder companies like hotels, restaurants or cafes
0049 176 4535 1208