HACCP is a complete food safety system which is essential in the hospitality industries in the European Union. Each of the 7 modules contains a handbook for professionals and 

employers with guidelines on how to train workers with intellectual disabilities. Our easy-to-read version of HACCP has been specially adapted for employees with intellectual disabilities. This allows them to familiarise themselves with the key terms, tools, principles and requirements of HACCP and be ready for work!

It consists of 7 modules, each module contains a handbook for professionals, a ppt and a questionnaire for people with intellectual disabilities.

The 7 modules are:

  1. Basic principles,
  2. Personal hygiene,
  3. Raw food preparation,
  4. Food service and delivery,
  5. Dishwashing,
  6. Cleaning,
  7. Waste management.

The easy-to-read HACCP guidelines can be considered as a material for training workers with intellectual disabilities in the hospitality industry. In its present form it is recommended to be used for the training of employees with ID in the hospitality industries with the assistance of professionals. 


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