17 04, 2023

Travel Massive Partnership

2023-04-17T11:55:00+00:00April 17th, 2023|Categories: Events, Featured News|

Proud to announce that our project has been featured on Travel Massive. Travel Massive is a global tourism network. For over a decade, the community has connected thousands of tourism professionals, travel media, influencers and startups from around the world. By connecting and sharing ideas these actors help shape the future of travel. Being publicised [...]

5 08, 2021

A Display Campaign thanks to EURid

2021-08-07T16:28:48+00:00August 5th, 2021|Categories: Events, Featured News|

Promoting Valueable places Through the Google Display Network and thanks to EURid, we launched a (free of charge!) campaign with the aim to raise awareness and make people choose inclusive places - hotels, restaurants and cafes - for their summer holidays. EURid invited Valueable to another promotional project (free, as always). We were [...]

1 05, 2021

Valueable Network celebrates the International Workers’ Day

2021-05-18T16:01:12+00:00May 1st, 2021|Categories: Events, Featured News|

For the 2° year: #IWantWork https://youtu.be/RoPdK3v6U1Y Job inclusion is the only way we know to bring equality in our society. Get in touch. Valueable Network will give you all the information and support you may need: https://www.valueablenetwork.eu/contact/

21 03, 2021

World Down Syndrome Day

2021-03-31T07:04:17+00:00March 21st, 2021|Categories: Events, Featured News|

World Down Syndrome Day March 21, 2021, World Down Syndrome Day. On the occasion of the worldwide celebration of Down syndrome, AIPD (the Italian Association supporting people with Down Syndrome  and the Valueable Project Coordinator) launched an "immersive" video, to tell how a few minutes of glance can lead to a deep connection... [...]

20 03, 2021

Adults with intellectual disabilities should work!

2021-03-31T07:18:36+00:00March 20th, 2021|Categories: Events, Featured News|

People believe that adults with ID should work! As the research shows, less than 1% (out of 680 respondents, in Canada) believed most adults with ID should not work!! This is amazing, but it is not enough! Now we have to make job inclusion successful! Successful employment outcomes depend on: the availability of [...]

17 12, 2020

Free E-LEARNING for the hospitality MANAGERS

2021-03-31T07:28:07+00:00December 17th, 2020|Categories: Events, Featured News|

FREE E-LEARNING FOR MANAGERS If you are a manager working in hospitality and  curious to know more about the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in your workplace here is the right E-LEARNING COURSE for you! Have a look https://www.valueablenetwork.eu/courses/ The e-learning course is: FREE QUICK USEFUL Do the course and get the [...]

22 10, 2020

Valueable and the European Vocational Skills Week 2020

2020-10-31T18:55:25+00:00October 22nd, 2020|Categories: Awards, Events|

Valueable at the European Vocational Skills Week 2020 European Vocational Skills Week is an annual event when local, regional or national organisations showcase the very best of vocational education and training (VET). VET is a path to a more fulfilling personal and professional life. European Vocational Skills Week is a platform to make [...]

28 09, 2020

Valueable against discrimination

2020-10-31T18:41:54+00:00September 28th, 2020|Categories: Awards, Events|

Valueable within a guide of the European Commission: against discrimination The European Commission launched the #EUvDiscrimination campaign a year ago, and collected several promising practices of reasonable accommodation in the workplace for persons with disabilities. The Commission is now releasing a guide to showcase and promote these practices. Valueable has been included, by the European [...]